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Letters from our clients

Our philosophy is guided by compassion and the value and dignity of every human life. Our commitment to our patients is absolute.

The team of VItalOne workingThe team of VItalOne workingThe team of VItalOne workingThe team of VItalOne workingThe team of VItalOne workingThe team of VItalOne workingThe team of VItalOne working in an aircraftThe team of VItalOne working
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"My family will be forever indebted to VitalOne. They were true angels who stood by our side at our darkest times"
Rabbi Ya'aqob Menashe
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"Having seen VitalOne in action, I can, without a doubt, attest to their expertise, compassion and complete competence to transport even the most fragile of patients"
John P. Elliott
Valley Perinatal Services
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"This letter is to strongly support and express my great experience I had with your organization with several patients I escorted recently"
Efraim Sadot
Director of the Pediatric IC Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital
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"I wanted to write a letter in support of the incredible service you provide to your patrons. Thank you for running such an incredible and efficient service"
Rocky Mountain Hospital for Chilren
Chief of Pediatric Surgery, The Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children
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"I worked with Isaac Leider of VitalOne for four years. He is my 911 phone call when one of my patients need to be transported inside, into or out of the US"
Emek Medical Center
Head, GICU & PICU Emek Medical Center
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"On behalf of the State of Israel, I wish to express our sincere thanks and respect for your assistance in handling Professor Liviu Librescu's final arrangements"
Sallai Meridor
Ambassador of Israel, Washington D.C.
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"I would like to thank you and your team for the incredible gift you gave me, my mom and our entire family when you safely transported my critically ill mother"
Marilyn Singer
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"I hereby recommend the services of Rabbi Isaac Leider and his VitalOne organization. Rabbi Leider is a campion of getting the job done correctly and with extreme sensitivity".
Hebrew University Medical Center
Director of the Medical Intensive Care Unit
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"Thank you very much for the responsive assistance you provided to one of our former Navy SEALs who needed medical transport to the United States"
Navy Seals Fund
CEO, Navy SEALs Fund

Have a question? Our team is happy to assist you.

If you are in need of a transfer give us a call or send us an email.
The team of VItalOne working